Friday, January 31, 2014
TTM Success Steve Kolinsky
TTM Success Tino Martinez

Tino Martinez signed my five cards sent c/o his home in Florida. He is a former MLB Infielder who played for the Yankees, Mariners, Devil Rays, and Cardinals. He was a 2x All-Star and a 1x Silver Slugger. He signed all five of my cards in a fading Sharpie but that is ok because this is a great addition. Thanks Tino
Friday, January 24, 2014
TTM Success Trevor Story
Trevor Story is a Minor Leaguer in the Rockies System who signed this card sent c/o the Modesto Nuts during the 2013 season and added a letter on really cool baseball stationary. Thanks a ton and good luck in 2014 Mr. Story!
TTM Success Steve Trachsel
Steve Trachsel is a former MLB pitcher, perhaps the slowest to ever pitch. He signed my cards sent c/o home and returned them very quickly but for some reason he did not return my 2013 Topps Archives Season Ticket Holders card so I will have to find a new one. In 1998 he also gave up Mark McGwire's 62nd home run breaking Roger Maris' all time record of 61. He has not announced a official retirement so I guess he is still on the Free Agent Market but with lower consideration. Thanks Steve and good luck!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
TTM Success Jim Gentile
Jim Gentile is a former baseball player primarily in the 1960s he signed my card sent c/o home and added this cool photo signed as well. He was also nicknamed "Diamond Jim." He was a former first baseman and batted left handed as well. He played for the Brooklyn and LA Dodgers, Baltimore Orioles, Kansas City Athletics, Houston Astros and Cleveland Indians for the 1966 season. After he played enough in America he played one season in Japan in 1969 and began his coaching career in 2001 with the Fort Worth Cats where he managed through 2002. He also managed the Mid-Missouri Mavericks of the Frontier League in 2005. Thanks Jim and good luck!
TTM Success Jeff Goldbach
Jeff Goldbach signed my card sent c/o home and added a additional card and a letter maybe my new favorite letter thanking me for sending to him and mentioning his kids liking that their dad got their first autograph request in awhile. He played in the Cubs minor league system and played independantly for a few years after that. He was also a 2nd round draft pick. Thanks Jeff and good luck!
Monday, January 20, 2014
IP 2014 Chicago Cubs Convention Autograph Weekend Recap
Chicago IL, As I walked in to the iconic Sheridan hotel in downtown
Chicago last Friday (January 17, 2014) I had no idea I was in for a turn out
this impressive getting a total of 143 autographed cards. The things that
helped that was: stupid ushers, breaking rules, being 15 (technically a kid) my
large knowledge of what these guys look like and my ability to know when and
where to find these guys (Attendees,) and being the Autograph Assassin
himself. On the other hand some of the things that hurt my autograph turn
out was: Stupid ushers. TERRIBLE set up for the lines and entrees, -- when you
go to the top floor (3rd) you have to wait behind everybody who wants to go in
the exhibition hall to get Ernie Banks, Anthony Rizzo, Derrek Lee, etc. While
you have to wait behind them, all of them just to get C.J. Edwards
the Cubs brand new prospect who has less than 20 people in it at the
time he starts you have to wait behind 400 people instead of just
walking in and waiting 5 mins for an autograph, true story,-- as a season
ticket holder they provide many perks and privileges to us but now I see they
are slowly going away like in the example of the
Cubs introducing the Audi Legends Lounge last year having it be the
first year at the Sheridan and all and you could get complimentary drinks
and food and a private place to get some autographs from Cubs former
players and only part of that is true. It is $5 for a soda when it used to
be free, they have players come in but I think they (Chicago Cubs) put some spell
on them (Cubs 'legends') that makes them forget that they are at the Cubs
Convention and will not be asked for an autograph because that is really
rude and inappropriate, right? Wrong. About every autograph I received in the
Audi Legends Lounge was greeted and dismissed with a very dirty look. Now
if you have read to this point you have seen that I find way more negative
things to say than positive, well they have been doing this going on 30 years
in 2015 there just should be somebody in charge of it (Cubs Convention) that
will just realize these huge errors and not let them happen but I guess we will
keep the 80 year old security guards and ushers and not tell us when I get in a
line for a player who isn't even going to be there. I don't care how sick you
are if you are sick or if you don't have your visa, just don't come it will
make it easier on everybody the no shows were unbelievable this year if
you (you being a guest of the Cubs) think there could be a issue on being there
or you might be late to your signing just stay out of it in that case there is
less panic that way. Alright if you read all this so far either one of two
things you want to get a thorough scoop from Jackson's Autos its
self or you just were bored enough with all the negative and
here is what I got Friday - Sunday autograph and picture wise
starting with Friday well here you go
Friday January 17, 2014 Cubs Convention, Day One:
Daily Total: 17
Overall Total: 17
Bob Dernier:
Bob Dernier
Bob Dernier
I recognized Mr. Dernier entering an elevator out side of the lobby and he didn't mind that I recognized him and was happy to sign for me and I ran into him many times later that weekend in the Lounge and in hallways. Thanks Deer!
Jorge Soler:
Jorge Soler
Jorge Soler
Jorge Soler
Jorge Soler
Jorge Soler
Jorge Soler was the first autograph I obtained in the treasure hunt this year he willingly signed my four cards and I even got a photo with him. His English could use some work but I am really glad I got this one because he is a very hard autograph to get.
Chris Rusin:

Chris was another treasure hunt autograph who was at the Comcast Sportsnet booth with Brooks Raley and a female News Anchor and he happily signed my cards for me with a very short line to wait. Thanks Chris.
Arismendy Alcantara:

Arismendy was in the line to the left of Jorge Soler's he signed my two cards even though I had more because I was planning to see him on Saturday. He also posed for a picture with me. Thanks Arismendy good luck.
Rubi Silva:

Rubi Silva is one of the Cubs many Cuban prospects and he is also attending his first Cubs Convention. He was signing next to Neil Ramirez in a line I had to sort of sneak into. He signed this card then I saw him the next day and got him again. Thanks Rubi, and good luck!
Neil Ramirez:
Neil Ramirez is in his first year as a Cub after being traded to the Cubs last season from the Rangers. He was signing during the treasure hunt autograph time and I snuck into his line while he was with Rubi Silva. Thanks & good luck Neil!
Arodys Vizcaino:

Arodys Vzcaino was signing autographs out side the exhibition hall and signed these two cards for me. Thanks Arodys and good luck!
Christian Villanueva:
Christian Villanueva is in his second year in the Cubs organization but attending his first Cubs Convention. He was signing at the Sports Authority booth with Armando Rivero for the Treasure hunt.
Saturday January 18, 2014 Cubs Convention Day Two
Daily Total: 102
Overall Total: 119
Jim Deshaies:

Mike Remlinger:

I caught Mr. Remlinger looking to where he was supposed to be and was very disgruntled by the poor information given to where he was supposed to be. I don't know if he ever found his place but he did sign my four cards. Thanks Mike!
Milt Pappas:

Milt Pappas was signing in the Audi Legends Lounge and signed my five cards and I talked to him for a while and this is a good addition. Thanks Milt!
Bob Dernier:

I ran into Mr. Dernier again but this time in the Audi Legends Lounge. He was happy to sign like always and signed it in a nice blue sharpie. Thanks Bobby!
Rubi Silva:

I ran into Rubi again and I got the Cuban born prospect to sign another card and pose for a photo with me willingly and happily. Thanks Rubi and good luck in 2014
Jim Bullinger:

Jim Bullinger was spotted by me in the Audi Legends Lounge by me and we spoke and I found out he is now a agent and represents young baseball players. He signed my eight cards and spoke about them and was a overall great guy to obtain an autograph of. Thanks Jim.
Neil Ramirez:

I ran into Neil Ramirez again standing off the side of the picture only line and he says he is proud to be a Cub and proud to sign my two cards. Thanks again Neil good luck.
Les Lancaster:

Les Lancaster signed my four cards happily and willingly and posed for a photo with me as well.
He is attending his first Cubs Convention in a while if at all and is a great first time autograph to add to my collection. Thanks Les!
Scott Sanderson:

Scott Sanderson was a very nice person to get an autograph from as we talked about his opinion on change ups and his career as a hitter and love and hard work put into his bunting which he used to lead the league. He also posed for a photo thank you very much Scott.
Steve Trout:

The always crazy Steve Trout signed these for me by the Batting Cages and Pitching machine full of energy as always. He is always a great addition. Thanks Steve!
Wesley Wright:

Wesley Wright was standing all alone by the Photo line when I walked over and requested an autograph. He happy and energetically signed my three cards and is happy to be in the city of Chicago. Thanks Wesley and good luck.
Tim Stoddard:

Tim is a frequent attendee of the Cubs Convention and signed this card with remorse that this is a senior league card. Great autograph thanks Tim.
Dwight Smith:

I ran into Dwight twice on Saturday and both times he reluctantly signed my cards I met him in the Lounge and in the batting cages and he gave me a dirty look both times but this is a good addition and great one to get. Thanks Dwight!
Donnie Murphy:

Donnie signed for me in a line and signed my two cards happily and all willingly and posed in a photo with me he will get more playing time in 2014 and get his first full season hopefully after the breakout season he had in 2013.
Pedro Strop:

Pedro Strop signed for me while he was standing out side of the photo only line at the end. He signed my four cards and commented on the Casper hitter card of him and commented on playing in Casper. He is a great autograph to get ! Thanks Pedro.
Luis Valbuena:

Luis Valbuena signed for me next to Pedro Strop at the end of the Photo Only line and signed these two cards for me with an excellent autograph in my blue sharpie. He will probably be in the starting infield rotation in 2014. Thanks Luis.
Scott Eyre:

Scott Eyre was by the pitching/batting cages controlling a game of rag ball with some younger Cubs fans and he signed my five cards and commented on all of them and said he was happy to be at the Cubs Convention and happy to be in Chicago.
Bill Mueller

Bill Mueller signed my five cards while he was helping young Cubs fans in the batting cages. He happily signed my cards and will be on the Cubs MLB Coaching Staff in 2014. Thanks Bill Mueller and good luck in 2014
Randy Hundley:

Randy Hundley is a long time Catcher who holds the record for most games caught with the Cubs in 1969. He signed my 3 cards willingly while wearing a teal flannel shirt and interesting red pants. Thanks Randy and good luck.
Mark Prior:

Mark Prior has many former allegations and accusations from his past career but he is one of the nicest guys and has one of the best signatures there is. He is a former 1st round pick and is entering his first season of retirement. This was a great one to get. Thanks Mark!
Justin Ruggiano:

Justin Ruggiano somewhat reluctantly signed my cards while waiting for Ted Lilly to finish taking photographs at the photo only line. He has a pretty good autograph and will be up and down on the MLB roster in 2014. Thanks Justin and good luck.
Justin Grimm:

Justin Grimm was 20 minutes late to his signing leaving Wesley Wright all to himself and pausing the line from moving further. When he came he sported his laid back, hey dude attitude and was having a conversation with Wesley Wright about pitching against his Astros while in Houston. He will be in the Cubs starting rotation this year.
James Russell:

It seems like every year they only make one card of Mr. James Russell and every year I get it signed. This year I got all four of his base cards signed and the 2013 Topps was a first for me and he was happy to sign them and pose for a photo with me. Thanks James and good luck.
Kyuji Fujikawa:

Kyuji Fujikawa is the phenom the Cubs signed out of Japan going into the 2013 season. He was scheduled to be at the 2013 Cubs Convention but couldn't make it. I was very glad to get these cards signed because I love the BBM Japan baseball cards but you just can't seen to find a way to get them online in america so I love to get them when ever I can. He posed for a photo and I didn't just hand him eight cards I got in two lines to get him. Thanks Kyuji!
Junior Lake was the only current player scheduled to sign in the Audi Legends Lounge and he signed my 5 cards and posed for a photo with me afterwards. He had a breakout rookie season in the bigs last year as he helped the Cubs all he could he was one of their best players last year. Thanks Junior this is a great addition and good luck.
Bill Madlock:
Bill Madlock signed these four cards in the Audi Legends Lounge reluctantly while he wouldn't sign for me standing doing nothing outside of the Lounge. This is a good get and it was worth the eye roll but kmon man I was the only one there, kidding. Thanks Bill!
Blake Parker:

Blake Parker signed this for me in a line with Kyuji Fujikawa and he was happy to sign like always I ordered another card of him but the Beckett didn't come in time but this 2013 Iowa Cubs card is pretty good for me. Thanks Blake and good luck!
Jake Arrieta:

Jake Arrieta signed these these for me at the Comcast Sportsnet booth while two security guards stared me down while holding TWO cards. Jake will hopefully be in the Cubs starting rotation in the upcoming 2014 season. Thanks Jake good luck.
Sunday January, 2014 Cubs Convention Day Three
Daily total: 24
Final total: 143
Ron Coomer:

Ron Coomer was electric talking to every person that came through the line. He will be the new Radio voice of the Cubs in the upcoming 2014 season. I can't wait to listen to you this summer. Thanks Ron!
Eric Hinske

Erik signed my seven cards very happily and willingly while loosely watching the young Cubs fans in the batting cages. He will be on the Cubs coaching staff in 2014 as the 1st base coach. Great addition thanks Eric!
Well yes you aren't going crazy I did obtain Mr. Jenkins autograph free of charge. This one goes under the "Rule Breaking" category while I was going to get Lee Smith, he (Fergie) had finished early and I stepped into his line and got to the front he signed my cards. It blew my mind and yours probably. Thanks Fergie!
Rick Renteria

Rick is the new manager of the Cubs starting in 2014. He was happy to sign and loved the cards (including the one at Wrigley) and talked about making this year different than the others and his time in San Diego as a coach. Thanks Ricky Renteria!
Pedro Strop:
Pedro Strop signed again for me on Sunday. He was happy to sign and loved the Casper card and was happy to pose for some photos. Have a great year Pedro and good luck!
Carlos Villanueva

Carlos signed my four cards with his legendary mustache and posed in a photo with me. He had a great year in the starting rotation and bullpen last year and will be in the starting rotation this year. Thanks Carlos and finally "good luck"
This is Jackson's Autos Cubs Convention Recap
Friday January 17, 2014 Cubs Convention, Day One:
Daily Total: 17
Overall Total: 17
Bob Dernier:
Bob Dernier
Bob Dernier Bob Dernier
Bob Dernier
I recognized Mr. Dernier entering an elevator out side of the lobby and he didn't mind that I recognized him and was happy to sign for me and I ran into him many times later that weekend in the Lounge and in hallways. Thanks Deer!
Jorge Soler:
Jorge Soler
Jorge Soler
Jorge Soler
Jorge Soler
Jorge Soler
Jorge Soler was the first autograph I obtained in the treasure hunt this year he willingly signed my four cards and I even got a photo with him. His English could use some work but I am really glad I got this one because he is a very hard autograph to get.
Chris Rusin:

Chris was another treasure hunt autograph who was at the Comcast Sportsnet booth with Brooks Raley and a female News Anchor and he happily signed my cards for me with a very short line to wait. Thanks Chris.
Arismendy Alcantara:

Arismendy was in the line to the left of Jorge Soler's he signed my two cards even though I had more because I was planning to see him on Saturday. He also posed for a picture with me. Thanks Arismendy good luck.
Rubi Silva:
Rubi Silva is one of the Cubs many Cuban prospects and he is also attending his first Cubs Convention. He was signing next to Neil Ramirez in a line I had to sort of sneak into. He signed this card then I saw him the next day and got him again. Thanks Rubi, and good luck!
Neil Ramirez:
Neil Ramirez is in his first year as a Cub after being traded to the Cubs last season from the Rangers. He was signing during the treasure hunt autograph time and I snuck into his line while he was with Rubi Silva. Thanks & good luck Neil!
Arodys Vizcaino:

Arodys Vzcaino was signing autographs out side the exhibition hall and signed these two cards for me. Thanks Arodys and good luck!
Christian Villanueva:
Christian Villanueva is in his second year in the Cubs organization but attending his first Cubs Convention. He was signing at the Sports Authority booth with Armando Rivero for the Treasure hunt.
Saturday January 18, 2014 Cubs Convention Day Two
Daily Total: 102
Overall Total: 119
Jim Deshaies:
Mr. Jim Deshaies, the TV voice of the Chicago Cubs was recognized by me in the lobby of the Sheridan early Saturday morning to make him the first autograph of the day and with me being the only one who recognized him I had to inform the looming others who had just signed my card. He was happy to sign and be there. Thanks Jim I look foreword to listening to you in 2014.
Kyle Hendricks:
Kyle Hendricks is a top up and coming prospect in the Cubs organization. He was traded to the Cubs in the Matt Garza deal last off season and spent the last year at Tennessee and Iowa (where I saw him play) and is entering his second year in the Cubs system. He also posed for a photo with me. Thanks Kyle and good luck.
Eric Jokisch:
Eric Jokisch is a first timer to the Cubs Convention but is in his 4th year in the Cubs organization already with a no hitter under his belt. He posed in this picture with me and has a bright future with the Cubs and signed this Tennessee Smokies card from last season. Thanks Eric!
C.J. Edwards:

C.J. Edwards was a tough guy to get because of the line issue I stated earlier he was happy to sign my four cards and to be a Chicago Cub he is in his first Cubs Convention but maybe not the last. Thanks C.J. and good luck.

I caught Mr. Remlinger looking to where he was supposed to be and was very disgruntled by the poor information given to where he was supposed to be. I don't know if he ever found his place but he did sign my four cards. Thanks Mike!
Milt Pappas:

Milt Pappas was signing in the Audi Legends Lounge and signed my five cards and I talked to him for a while and this is a good addition. Thanks Milt!
Bob Dernier:
I ran into Mr. Dernier again but this time in the Audi Legends Lounge. He was happy to sign like always and signed it in a nice blue sharpie. Thanks Bobby!
Rubi Silva:
I ran into Rubi again and I got the Cuban born prospect to sign another card and pose for a photo with me willingly and happily. Thanks Rubi and good luck in 2014
Jim Bullinger:

Jim Bullinger was spotted by me in the Audi Legends Lounge by me and we spoke and I found out he is now a agent and represents young baseball players. He signed my eight cards and spoke about them and was a overall great guy to obtain an autograph of. Thanks Jim.
Neil Ramirez:

I ran into Neil Ramirez again standing off the side of the picture only line and he says he is proud to be a Cub and proud to sign my two cards. Thanks again Neil good luck.
Les Lancaster:

Les Lancaster signed my four cards happily and willingly and posed for a photo with me as well.
He is attending his first Cubs Convention in a while if at all and is a great first time autograph to add to my collection. Thanks Les!
Scott Sanderson:

Scott Sanderson was a very nice person to get an autograph from as we talked about his opinion on change ups and his career as a hitter and love and hard work put into his bunting which he used to lead the league. He also posed for a photo thank you very much Scott.
Steve Trout:

The always crazy Steve Trout signed these for me by the Batting Cages and Pitching machine full of energy as always. He is always a great addition. Thanks Steve!
Wesley Wright:

Wesley Wright was standing all alone by the Photo line when I walked over and requested an autograph. He happy and energetically signed my three cards and is happy to be in the city of Chicago. Thanks Wesley and good luck.
Tim Stoddard:
Tim is a frequent attendee of the Cubs Convention and signed this card with remorse that this is a senior league card. Great autograph thanks Tim.
Dwight Smith:

I ran into Dwight twice on Saturday and both times he reluctantly signed my cards I met him in the Lounge and in the batting cages and he gave me a dirty look both times but this is a good addition and great one to get. Thanks Dwight!
Donnie Murphy:

Donnie signed for me in a line and signed my two cards happily and all willingly and posed in a photo with me he will get more playing time in 2014 and get his first full season hopefully after the breakout season he had in 2013.
Pedro Strop:

Pedro Strop signed for me while he was standing out side of the photo only line at the end. He signed my four cards and commented on the Casper hitter card of him and commented on playing in Casper. He is a great autograph to get ! Thanks Pedro.
Luis Valbuena:

Luis Valbuena signed for me next to Pedro Strop at the end of the Photo Only line and signed these two cards for me with an excellent autograph in my blue sharpie. He will probably be in the starting infield rotation in 2014. Thanks Luis.
Scott Eyre:

Scott Eyre was by the pitching/batting cages controlling a game of rag ball with some younger Cubs fans and he signed my five cards and commented on all of them and said he was happy to be at the Cubs Convention and happy to be in Chicago.
Bill Mueller

Bill Mueller signed my five cards while he was helping young Cubs fans in the batting cages. He happily signed my cards and will be on the Cubs MLB Coaching Staff in 2014. Thanks Bill Mueller and good luck in 2014
Randy Hundley:

Randy Hundley is a long time Catcher who holds the record for most games caught with the Cubs in 1969. He signed my 3 cards willingly while wearing a teal flannel shirt and interesting red pants. Thanks Randy and good luck.
Mark Prior:

Mark Prior has many former allegations and accusations from his past career but he is one of the nicest guys and has one of the best signatures there is. He is a former 1st round pick and is entering his first season of retirement. This was a great one to get. Thanks Mark!
Justin Ruggiano:

Justin Ruggiano somewhat reluctantly signed my cards while waiting for Ted Lilly to finish taking photographs at the photo only line. He has a pretty good autograph and will be up and down on the MLB roster in 2014. Thanks Justin and good luck.
Justin Grimm:

Justin Grimm was 20 minutes late to his signing leaving Wesley Wright all to himself and pausing the line from moving further. When he came he sported his laid back, hey dude attitude and was having a conversation with Wesley Wright about pitching against his Astros while in Houston. He will be in the Cubs starting rotation this year.
James Russell:

It seems like every year they only make one card of Mr. James Russell and every year I get it signed. This year I got all four of his base cards signed and the 2013 Topps was a first for me and he was happy to sign them and pose for a photo with me. Thanks James and good luck.
Kyuji Fujikawa:

Kyuji Fujikawa is the phenom the Cubs signed out of Japan going into the 2013 season. He was scheduled to be at the 2013 Cubs Convention but couldn't make it. I was very glad to get these cards signed because I love the BBM Japan baseball cards but you just can't seen to find a way to get them online in america so I love to get them when ever I can. He posed for a photo and I didn't just hand him eight cards I got in two lines to get him. Thanks Kyuji!
Junior Lake:
Junior Lake was the only current player scheduled to sign in the Audi Legends Lounge and he signed my 5 cards and posed for a photo with me afterwards. He had a breakout rookie season in the bigs last year as he helped the Cubs all he could he was one of their best players last year. Thanks Junior this is a great addition and good luck.
Bill Madlock:
Bill Madlock signed these four cards in the Audi Legends Lounge reluctantly while he wouldn't sign for me standing doing nothing outside of the Lounge. This is a good get and it was worth the eye roll but kmon man I was the only one there, kidding. Thanks Bill!
Blake Parker:
Blake Parker signed this for me in a line with Kyuji Fujikawa and he was happy to sign like always I ordered another card of him but the Beckett didn't come in time but this 2013 Iowa Cubs card is pretty good for me. Thanks Blake and good luck!
Jake Arrieta:

Jake Arrieta signed these these for me at the Comcast Sportsnet booth while two security guards stared me down while holding TWO cards. Jake will hopefully be in the Cubs starting rotation in the upcoming 2014 season. Thanks Jake good luck.
Sunday January, 2014 Cubs Convention Day Three
Daily total: 24
Final total: 143
Ron Coomer:

Eric Hinske

Erik signed my seven cards very happily and willingly while loosely watching the young Cubs fans in the batting cages. He will be on the Cubs coaching staff in 2014 as the 1st base coach. Great addition thanks Eric!
Fergie Jenkins HOF
Well yes you aren't going crazy I did obtain Mr. Jenkins autograph free of charge. This one goes under the "Rule Breaking" category while I was going to get Lee Smith, he (Fergie) had finished early and I stepped into his line and got to the front he signed my cards. It blew my mind and yours probably. Thanks Fergie!
Rick Renteria

Rick is the new manager of the Cubs starting in 2014. He was happy to sign and loved the cards (including the one at Wrigley) and talked about making this year different than the others and his time in San Diego as a coach. Thanks Ricky Renteria!
Pedro Strop:
Pedro Strop signed again for me on Sunday. He was happy to sign and loved the Casper card and was happy to pose for some photos. Have a great year Pedro and good luck!
Carlos Villanueva

Carlos signed my four cards with his legendary mustache and posed in a photo with me. He had a great year in the starting rotation and bullpen last year and will be in the starting rotation this year. Thanks Carlos and finally "good luck"
This is Jackson's Autos Cubs Convention Recap
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